Fake Love and Flying Monkeys

When a narcissist turns your family against you.

• Nova Gibson • Season 1 • Episode 33


The Narcissist turns your Family against you. 

In this eye-opening episode, we explore the heartbreaking reality of when a narcissist turns your family against you. Dealing with a narcissist who turns your family against you can feel isolating and devastating. In this episode, we explore how narcissists use manipulation, smear campaigns, and gaslighting to create a wedge between you and your loved ones, common tactics used by narcissists to manipulate and divide families. Learn how these calculated moves isolate victims, erode familial bonds, and leave you feeling betrayed by your family.

 For Zoom counselling support in your narcissistic abuse recovery available worldwide, please visit my website below. 
Nova 🌻
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Please remember the information you hear in this episode is not intended to substitute for therapy, is general information, and strictly the opinions of the host based on her years of experience working with thousands of victims of narcissistic abuse.

If you would like to make an appointment for individual counselling with me , please visit my website at ,Brighter Outlook Narcissistic Abuse Counselling Service , or email me at nova.pollard123gmail.com

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How Does the Narcissist Fool Your Family?

It’s a devastating reality: the narcissist you’ve been trying to expose has somehow managed to charm and manipulate even your own family—people who have known you your entire life. You’ve lived with these people, shared countless experiences with them, and yet, when you approach them to explain how you’ve been treated, they seem perplexed or even dismissive. Perhaps they say things like, “They’re not perfect, but try a little harder. They do love you.” These comments reflect the most isolating and frustrating aspect of narcissistic abuse—when even those closest to you can’t comprehend the full extent of the harm being done.

But how does this happen? Why is it that your family, the people you thought would support and believe you, find themselves siding with the narcissist? What makes this situation even more agonizing is that you may have just begun to question the relationship yourself. You know something feels off, but when you reach out to your loved ones, they only see the version of the narcissist that they met initially—the person you raved about, the one who seemed “too good to be true.” So, what exactly are they falling for? Let’s dive into how narcissists fool even the closest people in your life and how they manage to maintain their façade.

The Mask of the Narcissist: Winning Over Your Loved Ones

When you first met the narcissist, they seemed perfect. You likely had no idea they were a narcissist at the time; instead, you saw someone who was caring, attentive, and eager to invest in your life. One of the narcissist’s early tactics is to rush the relationship, engaging in what is often called future faking. They make grand promises about your future together, often trying to meet your family within days or weeks. At first, this can feel flattering. After all, who wouldn’t want to be with someone so eager to commit and invest in your world?

The narcissist might suggest meeting their family or friends early on, and similarly, they’ll express a strong desire to meet your loved ones. They’ll work hard to leave a positive impression on everyone around you. This is a deliberate strategy. The narcissist wants your family to see them as the ideal partner—someone who cares deeply about you and your happiness. Every word and action during this initial phase is meticulously crafted to establish a stronghold within your inner circle.

But this facade is part of the narcissist’s manipulation. They’re not just "nice" or "charming" for the sake of it; they’re laying the groundwork for the isolation they will impose later. By creating strong bonds with your family and friends, the narcissist ensures that when the abuse starts to surface, your loved ones will have a hard time believing you. After all, the narcissist they see is kind, generous, and loving—how could that same person be causing you such harm?

Future Faking and Masking: Laying the Trap

Future faking is one of the most insidious tactics narcissists use to manipulate and control. When they rush into deep emotional commitments early in the relationship, it isn’t because they’re genuinely interested in a long-term bond. Instead, they’re strategically implying a future to keep you invested in the present. The narcissist says things like, “I can’t wait for you to meet my parents,” or “I can’t imagine a future without you in it,” all while making sure your family feels the same connection. This future faking cements their image as a committed partner, leaving you and your loved ones convinced that they’re here for the long haul.

Meanwhile, this isn’t just about securing your devotion; it’s also about manipulating your family’s perceptions. By building close relationships with them and appearing to be the "perfect" partner, the narcissist ensures that any future complaints you have will be downplayed or dismissed. When the inevitable cracks in the relationship begin to show, your family may be more likely to believe the narcissist’s version of events, minimizing your experiences in favor of the charming facade they’ve witnessed.

Creating Distance Through Isolation

Narcissists thrive on control, and one of their key methods of achieving it is through isolation. As they build these close bonds with your family, they’re not doing it out of genuine affection or interest. Instead, they’re planting seeds for future isolation. Once they’ve ingratiated themselves into your family’s lives, they begin to subtly drive a wedge between you and your loved ones.

At first, this may look like small, seemingly insignificant comments: "Your mom seemed a little cold today, don’t you think?" or "I feel like your sister doesn’t like me for some reason." Over time, these comments build, and the narcissist begins to suggest that maybe your family isn’t as supportive as you think. They may even try to convince you that your family is toxic, causing you to pull away and rely more heavily on the narcissist for support.

By creating these rifts, the narcissist effectively isolates you from your support system. They want you to feel like you have nowhere else to turn. This isolation gives the narcissist more control, making it harder for you to leave the relationship or seek help when the abuse becomes unbearable. Your family, once a source of comfort and support, now seems distant and unsupportive, all because the narcissist has successfully manipulated both you and them.

Smearing Your Reputation: Turning Your Family Against You

Another devastating tactic narcissists use is the smear campaign. Once they’ve established themselves as the "good" partner in the eyes of your family, they begin planting seeds of doubt about you. Perhaps they mention your anxiety or depression to your loved ones, framing it as the root cause of the relationship problems. "I’m really worried about Sophie’s anxiety—it’s been so bad lately, and it’s really affecting our relationship," they might say, painting themselves as the concerned partner while subtly shifting the blame onto you.

This smear campaign works because your family has already been charmed by the narcissist. They’ve seen the mask, not the abuse. When the narcissist presents themselves as a caring, concerned partner, it’s easy for your loved ones to believe that you’re the one struggling, that maybe your anxiety is the real issue, not the narcissist’s behavior. This creates a heartbreaking situation where your family may begin to side with the narcissist, further isolating you and leaving you feeling unsupported and alone.

Rebuilding Your Support System

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to remember that the manipulation and isolation are not your fault. Narcissists are skilled at controlling the narrative, and they often succeed in turning even your closest loved ones against you. However, there is hope. Working with a trauma-informed therapist who understands narcissistic abuse can help you rebuild your support system and heal from the damage caused by the narcissist’s manipulation.

In some cases, it may be necessary to bring your loved ones into therapy with you. A skilled therapist can help them understand the dynamics of narcissistic abuse and see through the mask that the narcissist has been wearing. It’s also crucial to remember that not all family members will be able to see the truth, and in those cases, you may need to minimize contact with toxic relatives while you focus on your healing.

Conclusion: You Deserve Support

Navigating life after narcissistic abuse is challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. While the narcissist may have succeeded in turning your family against you temporarily, with the right support, you can rebuild your life and regain your confidence. Reaching out to a therapist who specializes in narcissistic abuse is a crucial step in breaking free from the narcissist’s control and regaining the support of your loved ones. Remember, the abuse is not your fault, and you deserve to be believed and supported