Fake Love and Flying Monkeys

The Covert Narcissist Fools everyone else - How do they do this?

ā€¢ Nova Gibson ā€¢ Season 1 ā€¢ Episode 45

The Covert Narcissist Fools everyone else  - How do they do this?

Covert narcissists often seem charming and harmless to outsiders, but behind closed doors, they can cause emotional turmoil for their victims. In this episode learn how they expertly disguise their true nature, making it difficult for others to believe their victims' experiences. Listen to the practical advice I share on identifying the signs and protecting yourself from their hidden abuse. Tune in for eye-opening insights and strategies for dealing with these master manipulators.For Zoom counselling support in your narcissistic abuse recovery available worldwide, please visit my website below. 
 Nova šŸŒ»
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Covert narcissists are particularly dangerous because their manipulation is subtle and often goes unnoticed. Unlike overt narcissists, who are loud, arrogant, and attention-seeking, covert narcissists present themselves as humble, shy, and even vulnerable. This makes it difficult for others to recognize their true nature. In this blog, weā€™ll explore how covert narcissists deceive those around them, the tactics they use, and how you can protect yourself from their manipulation. Understanding these behaviors is crucial for anyone who may be dealing with a covert narcissist, either in a personal or professional context.

What is a Covert Narcissist?

Covert narcissists operate under a mask of modesty and self-deprecation. They often appear introverted or anxious, traits that make them seem harmless and even sympathetic. However, these qualities are carefully curated to manipulate their surroundings and hide their abusive tendencies. While overt narcissists openly seek admiration and validation, covert narcissists are more subtle in their pursuit of control and power.

Because they present themselves as the opposite of what we typically associate with narcissism, their actions often go unnoticed or dismissed. This ability to remain under the radar allows them to continue their abusive behavior unchecked, as most people donā€™t believe someone so seemingly humble could be capable of manipulation.

Overt vs. Covert Narcissists: Understanding the Difference

Overt narcissists are the classic image most people have when they think of narcissism. They are loud, boastful, and constantly demand attention and validation. They openly brag about their achievements and are often easy to spot because their behavior is so overt. Covert narcissists, on the other hand, are much harder to detect. They tend to be reserved and may even appear to lack self-esteem.

This discrepancy between overt and covert narcissism makes it challenging for victims of covert narcissists to be believed. To the outside world, a covert narcissist may come across as kind, thoughtful, or even insecure. Meanwhile, behind closed doors, they subtly undermine the self-worth of their victims through passive-aggressive behavior like giving the silent treatment, gaslighting, and spreading rumors.

Victims of covert narcissists often find themselves doubting their own experiences because the abuse is so well-hidden. The covert narcissistā€™s ability to maintain a kind, modest public persona means that others are less likely to recognize the abuse, leaving the victim isolated and confused.

The Initial Deception: Love Bombing

In the early stages of a relationship, the covert narcissist uses a tactic known as love bombing. They mirror your best qualities, shower you with compliments, and make you feel as though youā€™ve found the perfect partner or friend. This love-bombing phase is designed to make you dependent on their affection and approval. Itā€™s an intoxicating experience, making you believe they genuinely care for you.

During this phase, the covert narcissist carefully crafts a public image. You may share stories with friends and family about how wonderful they are, reinforcing the idea that this person is kind and loving. This public narrative creates a social shield for the narcissist, making it even harder for others to believe your eventual claims of abuse.

Love bombing is an essential tactic in the covert narcissistā€™s playbook because it sets the stage for future manipulation. By making you feel special and understood, the narcissist creates an emotional bond that will be hard to break, even when the relationship begins to take a darker turn.

The Gradual Erosion of Boundaries

Once the covert narcissist has you hooked, they begin the process of slowly dismantling your boundaries. This happens so gradually that you may not even notice it at first. They might disguise controlling behaviors as caring gestures, like offering to drive you to work out of concern for your safety. Over time, these ā€œhelpfulā€ actions become methods of control.

The covert narcissist is skilled at maintaining their facade of concern while quietly manipulating you. They know that if they showed their true intentions upfront, you would leave. Instead, they erode your confidence and self-esteem bit by bit, making it difficult to recognize the abuse as it happens. By the time you do, youā€™re deeply enmeshed in the relationship, making it hard to escape.

This gradual erosion of boundaries is a hallmark of covert narcissistic abuse. The narcissist never pushes too far too fast; they know exactly how to manipulate you into accepting their behavior without fully realizing whatā€™s happening. As a result, the victimā€™s tolerance for bad behavior increases, and by the time the abuse becomes more apparent, itā€™s much harder to leave.

The Victim's Mental Health Decline

The covert narcissistā€™s manipulation often leads to significant mental health struggles for the victim, including anxiety, depression, and even Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These mental health issues, while caused by the narcissistā€™s behavior, are used against the victim to further their manipulation. The narcissist may tell others they are concerned about your well-being, casting themselves as the supportive partner while portraying you as unstable.

As the abuse progresses, you may begin to question your own reality. The narcissistā€™s gaslighting tactics leave you feeling confused, doubting your perceptions, and unable to trust your instincts. This confusion allows the narcissist to maintain control while continuing to fool the people around them.

The mental health effects of covert narcissistic abuse can be devastating. Victims often feel isolated and unsure of who to turn to for help, especially when the narcissist has already discredited them to friends and family. The longer the abuse continues, the more difficult it becomes for the victim to trust their own judgment, making it harder to escape.

The Covert Narcissist's Public Persona

One of the most challenging aspects of dealing with a covert narcissist is their ability to present a convincing public persona. To the outside world, they are kind, caring, and generous. They go out of their way to help others, participate in charitable activities, and present themselves as pillars of the community. This image makes it incredibly hard for anyone to believe that the same person could be emotionally abusive behind closed doors.

This discrepancy between their public and private selves isolates the victim even further. Friends and family may struggle to believe your claims of abuse, especially when the narcissist has already manipulated them into seeing you as the unstable one. The covert narcissistā€™s ability to fool everyone around them makes it incredibly difficult for victims to find support and validation.

How Covert Narcissists Use Smear Campaigns

One of the most insidious tactics in a covert narcissistā€™s playbook is the smear campaign. This involves spreading rumors, lies, and half-truths about you to your friends, family, and even co-workers. The goal is to discredit you before you even have a chance to expose their behavior.

By the time you speak up about the abuse, the covert narcissist has already laid the groundwork to make you appear unreliable or emotionally unstable. They may have told others that youā€™re overly sensitive or prone to overreacting, making it difficult for you to get the support you need.

Smear campaigns are particularly effective because they preemptively damage your credibility, ensuring that when you do finally speak out, others are less likely to believe you. This is a deliberate strategy designed to isolate you further and make it more difficult to escape the abuse.

How to Protect Yourself From a Covert Narcissist

Understanding the tactics of a covert narcissist is the first step toward protecting yourself. Here are some strategies to safeguard your mental health and well-being:

  1. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels wrong in your relationship, it probably is. Covert narcissists rely on your self-doubt to maintain control. Trust your gut feelings, even if the abuse isnā€™t immediately obvious.
  2. Set Boundaries: Once you recognize the manipulation, set firm boundaries. Covert narcissists often push boundaries subtly, so be clear about what behaviors you will not tolerate.
  3. Seek Support: Find a therapist or support group familiar with narcissistic abuse. Speaking to people who understand your experience can help validate your feelings and provide guidance on how to navigate the situation.
  4. Limit Contact: If possible, distance yourself from the covert narcissist. This may involve cutting off communication or, in cases where that isnā€™t possible, minimizing your interactions to protect your emotional well-being.
  5. Document the Abuse: Keep a journal of specific incidents where you feel manipulated, gaslighted, or emotionally harmed. This can help you see patterns in the behavior and provide a record if you need to explain the situation to others.

Conclusion: Escaping the Covert Narcissistā€™s Manipulation

Covert narcissists are masters of deception, making it incredibly difficult to expose their abuse. They create a public persona that is hard to contradict, leaving their victims isolated and doubting their own experiences. Recognizing the signs of covert narcissism is crucial for protecting yourself and reclaiming your life.