Fake Love and Flying Monkeys

Narcissistic Gaslighting: The Dog Whistle

Nova Gibson Season 2 Episode 11

Narcissistic Gaslighting: The Dog Whistle 

Ever had that moment where a narcissist says something that seems harmless to everyone else, but you know it’s a dig meant just for you? That’s the narcissistic dog whistle in action—a sneaky, manipulative tactic designed to control, confuse, and undermine you while keeping their hands clean.

In this episode, we’re diving deep into how narcissists use coded language to gaslight, intimidate, and provoke their targets—all while making sure no one else notices. These remarks may seem harmless or even innocent to outsiders, but to the intended recipient, they carry a deeper, often painful meaning.

I explore how narcissists use dog whistles to gaslight, intimidate, and manipulate while maintaining plausible deniability. You’ll learn how these tactics are employed in relationships, workplaces, and families, why they are so effective, and how they can leave victims feeling confused, frustrated, and powerless.

If you’ve ever questioned whether you're imagining hidden meanings in a narcissist’s words, this episode will validate your experience and equip you with the tools to respond effectively.

To book an individual zoom counselling session with me please visit my website link below 👇www.brighteroutlookcounselling.com.au 

To order your copy of my best-selling book,  Fake Love,  please see link below 👇


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Thankyou so much for listening!
Please remember the information you hear in this episode is not intended to substitute for therapy, is general information, and strictly the opinions of the host based on her years of experience working with thousands of victims of narcissistic abuse.

If you would like to make an appointment for individual counselling with me , please visit my website at ,Brighter Outlook Narcissistic Abuse Counselling Service , or email me at nova.pollard123gmail.com

To order a copy of my book - Fake love please click Here
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The Narcissist's Dog Whistle: How They Manipulate Your Reactions

If you've been in a relationship with a narcissist—whether a parent, colleague, friend, or intimate partner—you've likely experienced their "dog whistle" tactics, even if you didn’t realize it at the time. It’s only when you gain some perspective that you begin to see how they manipulated and controlled you.

What Is the Narcissistic Dog Whistle?

The narcissist’s dog whistle is a covert manipulation tactic designed to provoke a reaction from you while keeping their behavior hidden from others. The goal is to make you look irrational, volatile, or overly sensitive while they maintain control of the narrative.

Just like a dog whistle used in training—which emits a frequency only dogs can hear—the narcissist uses subtle digs and veiled insults that only their target understands. To outsiders, their words seem harmless or even complimentary, making the victim's reaction appear extreme and unwarranted.

How the Narcissist Uses Dog Whistling in Abuse

Let’s break down how this strategy plays out with real-life examples.

Example 1: The Cooking Compliment

Imagine you’re at a family gathering, celebrating Christmas. Someone at the table praises the host for their amazing roast turkey. The narcissist then chimes in: "Indeed! My wife/husband is also an amazing cook. You should have tasted the roast they made the other night—it was incredible!"

To everyone else, it sounds like they’re complimenting you. But you know the truth. Behind closed doors, they constantly criticize your cooking, no matter what you make. This is a deliberate attempt to bait you into reacting. If you glare at them or snap back, others will see you as rude and ungrateful—while the narcissist plays the loving, appreciative partner.

Example 2: Undermining Your Confidence Before a Night Out

You’ve spent the evening getting ready for a special night out. You feel beautiful, excited to socialize, and looking forward to the event. As you sit in the taxi, the narcissist suddenly says:

"Please try to control yourself tonight. There are a lot of people there who don’t really like you, and I don’t want you ruining the evening. Oh, and by the way, that dress makes you look really fat. Didn’t you have something else that looks better?"

This last-minute jab is designed to crush your confidence just before you enter the party. As a result, you walk in feeling insecure and withdrawn, making it difficult to enjoy yourself. Meanwhile, the narcissist puts on a show, chatting and laughing with everyone, making you appear like a miserable, moody partner.

Later, they may tell others, "I don’t know what was wrong with them tonight. I tried so hard to cheer them up!" This plants seeds of doubt in people's minds, making them view you as unstable and the narcissist as the patient, loving partner.

Dog Whistling as a Setup for a Smear Campaign

Dog whistling isn’t just about controlling your reactions in the moment—it’s part of a long-term strategy to discredit you. The narcissist collects these moments like ammunition for future use.

Months or years later, when they engage in a smear campaign against you, they can refer back to these past events:

"Remember that time at the party when Sophie was acting so irrational? I tried everything to make her happy, but nothing worked."

Because others recall you behaving oddly or being upset, they assume the narcissist's version of events is true. Confirmation bias kicks in, and they dismiss any evidence to the contrary.

Why This Tactic Hurts So Much

This form of emotional abuse is particularly painful because it isolates the victim. The narcissist carefully curates their public persona, ensuring no one else sees their cruel side. You end up feeling confused, alone, and unable to defend yourself because the abuse is so subtle.

Dog Whistling Beyond Romantic Relationships

This tactic isn’t limited to narcissistic partners. Parents, colleagues, and even so-called friends use dog whistling to manipulate and control.

Example: The Narcissistic Mother and Weight Comments

If you grew up with a narcissistic parent, you may have endured years of passive-aggressive comments about your weight. Then, during a family gathering, your mother brings a special low-fat salad just for you, saying in front of everyone:

"I’m just so worried about your cholesterol, sweetheart. I made this healthy salad for you because I care about you so much!"

To others, this seems like a loving gesture. But to you, it’s a cruel reminder of the years of body-shaming and belittling comments about your appearance. If you react negatively, you look ungrateful or overly sensitive, reinforcing the narcissist's narrative that you are the problem.

How to Protect Yourself from Dog Whistling

  1. Recognize the Pattern – Understanding this tactic can help you see through the manipulation and avoid reacting emotionally.
  2. Practice Emotional Detachment – The narcissist wants a reaction. If you don’t give them one, their strategy loses power.
  3. Document Patterns of Abuse – Keep a journal of incidents. If others doubt your experiences, having written evidence can help validate your reality.
  4. Seek Support – Connect with trusted friends, therapists, or support groups who understand narcissistic abuse.
  5. Grey Rock Method – When confronted with dog whistling, respond in a neutral, non-reactive manner to avoid giving the narcissist the reaction they seek.
  6. Remove Yourself from the Situation – If possible, limit contact with the narcissist to protect your mental health.

Final Thoughts

Narcissistic dog whistling is a cruel and insidious manipulation tactic designed to control your reactions and discredit you over time. By understanding how it works, you can break free from its grip and take back control of your own narrative.

Have you experienced this kind of manipulation? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let's continue the conversation about healing from narcissistic abuse.