Fake Love and Flying Monkeys

3 Tactics Covert Narcissists Use to Isolate You

Nova Gibson Season 2 Episode 22

3 Tactics Covert Narcissists Use to Isolate You

Have you ever felt your world slowly closing in, leaving you disconnected from friends, family, and even yourself? That’s no accident—it’s a calculated move by a covert narcissist. In this episode of Fake Love and Flying Monkeys, I’m exposing three manipulative tactics covert narcissists use to isolate their victims. Unlike overt narcissists, who are obvious in their control, covert narcissists operate in the shadows, subtly pulling the strings to keep you emotionally, mentally, and even physically dependent.

If this resonates, you’re not alone. Recognising narcissistic isolation is the first step to breaking free. I’ll share real-life cases from my counselling practice and practical strategies to help you reclaim your independence, including:

Subtle Smear Campaigns – They plant doubts in your loved ones’ minds, making you seem unstable or untrustworthy.

Guilt and Obligation Traps – They use emotional blackmail to make you feel responsible for their well-being, discouraging outside connections.

Control Through Crisis – They create constant chaos, making you too drained to maintain relationships beyond them.

🎧 Tune in now and learn how to stop the manipulation before it controls you! Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with anyone dealing with narcissistic abuse. Your healing starts with knowledge—and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Nova xx


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Thankyou so much for listening!
Please remember the information you hear in this episode is not intended to substitute for therapy, is general information, and strictly the opinions of the host based on her years of experience working with thousands of victims of narcissistic abuse.

If you would like to make an appointment for individual counselling with me , please visit my website at ,Brighter Outlook Narcissistic Abuse Counselling Service , or email me at nova.pollard123gmail.com

To order a copy of my book - Fake love please click Here
or simply go directly to Amazon

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The Covert Narcissist’s Isolation Tactics: How They Make You Cut Off Everyone But Them

One of the most powerful weapons a covert narcissist has in their arsenal is isolation. They need to cut you off from your support system so they can control, manipulate, and abuse you without interference. And here’s the thing – they do it in a way that makes it seem like it was your choice.

In this post, we’re diving into three classic strategies covert narcissists use to isolate their victims. These techniques are under the radar, passive-aggressive, and designed to make you believe that you pulled away from your loved ones all on your own. Let’s break it down.

Why Isolation Is So Important to a Narcissist

Narcissists understand that they can’t fully control you if other people are in your ear giving you different perspectives. The moment you start questioning them, their power over you weakens. They can’t afford that.

They invest time and effort into brainwashing you through gaslighting and manipulation. But if you talk to friends, family, or even a therapist, all of that work could be undone. That’s why they work so hard to isolate you – but they do it in a way that doesn’t make them look like the bad guy.

Covert narcissists, in particular, need to maintain a perfect image. Everything they do is designed to fly under the radar. They make it seem like you’re the one who drifted away, that you willingly gave up your passions, and that it’s just a coincidence you no longer have a support system.

The reality? They orchestrated every step of it.

1. Monopolizing Your Time

If you were in an intimate relationship with a covert narcissist, you probably remember the love bombing stage. In the beginning, they were obsessed with you. They wanted to be with you every second of the day. If they weren’t physically with you, they were texting, calling, or checking in constantly. It felt amazing at the time.

But this intense attention had a dual purpose:

  1. It got you addicted to the chemical high of their love.
  2. It slowly pulled you away from your friends, family, and hobbies.

It’s not like they came out and demanded you stop seeing your friends – that would be too obvious. Instead, they used guilt trips and subtle manipulation:

  • "Oh, you're going out with your friends tonight? That’s nice. I did have these tickets to that show you’d love, but it’s okay, I’ll just find someone else to go with me."
  • "I’m really glad you’re spending time with your friends! My mates are going out too – they’re all single, but I’m sure they’ll look after me."

Suddenly, you start canceling your plans to avoid guilt or jealousy. And over time, your entire social life starts revolving around them.

And of course, the double standards kick in. If they want to change plans last minute or do something for themselves, it's completely justified. But if you try to prioritize yourself? Expect silent treatment, guilt, or an exhausting argument that leaves you feeling like the bad guy.

2. Making You Drop Your Passions

A narcissist can’t have you doing things that bring you joy unless it’s something they control. If you have hobbies, interests, or routines that make you happy, those need to go.

But again, they won’t outright say, “I don’t want you to do that anymore.” That would make them look bad. Instead, they use coercive control.

  • The silent treatment: Every time you go to your dance class or book club, they sulk or go cold on you.
  • Starting fights: Just before you leave or right after you get back, they pick a fight so you associate your hobby with stress.
  • Playing the victim: "I feel like I never see you anymore. All you care about is your class. What about us?"

Eventually, it just becomes easier to quit. The cost of keeping your hobbies is too high when it leads to constant conflict.

And here’s the kicker: when you finally give it up, they act like they had nothing to do with it. You made that decision all on your own... or so they want you to believe.

3. Alienating You from Loved Ones

This is one of the most dangerous tactics because it isolates you completely. The narcissist sows doubt and division between you and the people who actually care about you.

They target anyone who sees through their act or who they perceive as a threat to their control. If your best friend or family member doesn’t like them, they need to go.

How do they do it?

  • They create conflict: They make up lies, twist your words, or exaggerate situations to turn you against your loved ones.
  • They make you doubt your relationships: They might say things like, "Your sister is so negative. She never supports you." or "I don’t think your best friend really likes me. Do you think they’re jealous of us?"
  • They put you in the middle: They force you to “pick sides,” making you feel like staying close to your family means betraying them.

Before you know it, you’ve stopped calling your friends. You see your family less. And when you do see them, you defend the narcissist because you’re trauma bonded. The people who love you start feeling helpless.

And that’s exactly what the narcissist wants.

Why This is So Dangerous

Once you’re fully isolated, the narcissist has unchecked power over your life. You have no outside reality checks. You’re completely dependent on them for validation, love, and support.

It’s like being trapped in a cult of one, where your abuser is the leader. They control the narrative, the reality, and the rules. And every time you try to break free, they pull you back in with love-bombing, guilt, or fear.

This is why breaking free is so hard. It’s not just about walking away – it’s about rebuilding your entire support system, reconnecting with yourself, and learning to trust your own reality again.

Breaking Free: What You Can Do

If any of this sounds familiar, you are not alone. Recognizing these tactics is the first step to taking your power back. Here’s what you can do:

  • Reconnect with your support system: Even if you feel ashamed or embarrassed, reach out. The people who love you still love you.
  • Reclaim your independence: Start small. Re-engage in a hobby, make a phone call, or go to a social event.
  • Seek professional support: A therapist who understands narcissistic abuse can be life-changing.
  • Set boundaries: Expect pushback, but stand your ground. You deserve freedom.

If you’re reading this and seeing yourself in these words, know this: You deserve relationships that uplift you, not ones that slowly shrink your world. You deserve to be surrounded by people who celebrate your independence, not those who fear it.

You are not alone, and you are not powerless.